Mini Episode 7: Rebranding

Happy Monday! Check out the second entry in our backstory mini series! Visit our Season 3 page to listen to Rebranding

In tonight's episode, Doctor Dmitri Volodin gets a visit from a man who wants to know more about his experimental research. This episode was written by Zach Valenti and directed by Gabriel Urbina. 

But wait - there's more! As part of our backstories mini series, we are going to be doing something special: we are releasing individual Spotify playlists for each of our characters! In these you'll find songs that we think resonate with who the characters are, how they view the world, and how they process their emotions and conflicts. And, of course, some songs they enjoy and listen to! Click here to check out the Hilbert playlist! 

Stay tuned - there'll be six more episodes coming out before the end of the summer!