Episode 57

Episode 57: The Devil's Plaything

And we're back, for the second time this week! Season 4 of Wolf 359 continues, with the continuation of this season's big two-parter! Episode 57 is now live! Visit the Season 4 page to listen to The Devil's Plaything!

Please be advised this episode of Wolf 359 contains violence. Listener discretion is advised.

Part two of two. Newly released from Pryce's mental control, Eiffel works with Lovelace and Hera to try to save the rest of the crew. But as the situation becomes more and more volatile - and as their enemies get more and more suspicious - will the communications officer be able to retain his newfound freedom? Plus, commemorative plaques, security breaches, crossed wires, dexterous digits, and a fireworks show from the perspective of the fireworks. 

Tonight's episode was written by Sarah Shachat and directed by Gabriel Urbina. 

As always, a huge thank you to everyone that's helped us get this final season of Wolf 359 made, especially everyone who's signed up for a recurring monthly donation on our Patreon campaign. And also, some exciting news! As of today, Wolf 359 has a Bandcamp, and Volume 1 of our soundtrack is now available! It's twenty different tracks, from across all four seasons, all newly remastered by Alan Rodi, our composer extraordinaire! Check it out! 

Stay tuned - the final four episodes of Wolf 359 are coming up in no time!